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Department of Business and Economics

Dr. Sören Köcher as a guest on Plusminus

Ausschnitt aus dem Beitrag der ARD-Sendung PlusMinus mit Dr. Sören Köcher als Marketingexperte der TU Dortmund © (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD))

Dr. Sören Köcher, academic advisor at the professorship of marketing, was featured in the ARD program "Plusminus" on the topic of online ratings as well as the credibility of customer reviews on online portals. In this context, Dr. Köcher spoke about the results of a joint study with Dr. Sarah Köcher on the significance of customer reviews on a major online platform. For example, a comparison of product ratings from Stiftung Warentest and the corresponding star ratings on the online platform showed that online reviews are a poor indicator of the quality of a product. The results were also reported in the program "Marktcheck deckt auf - Das Geschäft mit den Fake-Bewertungen" on SWR television.

Link to ARD-PlusMinus (German)

Link to SWR-"Marktcheck deckt auf" (German)