From Opera to Drama – Cooperation with the Theater Dortmund

At the beginning of this week, the bachelor project seminar of the summer semester 2022 started. In this context, the Professorship of Marketing cooperates with the Theater Dortmund and offers the students a unique opportunity to "get a taste of theater" as well as to support the partner in the field of marketing research. With a total of 20 topics, divided into five peer groups, the students deal with questions on customer satisfaction, public image, online presence as well as further services of the theater. In addition, the focus will be on the younger target group, like pupils and students. Employing scientific research methods, the aim is to unveil the wishes and expectations of the young audience towards the theater. In this context, marketing implications should be generated to support the theater in designing and communicating their services for young and old, families and singles, in an appealing way. We would like to thank Dr. Faltz and Mr. Ehinger from the Theater Dortmund for the successful start and look forward to the exciting cooperation!