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Department of Business and Economics


Topic: Qualitative and quantitative questions in social media marketing
Module: 11: Wissenstransfer
Lecturer: Dr. Xenia Raufeisen
Scope / Credits: 4 SWS / 7 Credits
Course type: Seminar
Language: German / English
Exam: Term paper and presentation
Language: German / English
Application: Online application

Contents overview

Character and teaching goals of the course

  • The course gives practical knowledge in qualitative and quantitative research methods. It prepares students for the project seminar and the Bachelor thesis.
  • In the course, students will design and carry out an empirical mixed-method research project and evaluate the results independently.
  • The results are summarised in a research report at the end.
  • Students do the course "Seminar Bachelor" together with "Scientific Work". Both courses belong together and cannot be taken individually.

Time and place

  • Start: to be announced

An exact list of dates will be announced at the beginning of the event.

Course Materials

The materials for the course can be found in the respective moodle rooms, which are set up for each course at the beginning of the semester.

Learning goals

After participating in the seminar, students will be able to:

  • understand and analyze a current topic
  • to independently develop a research topic based on a literature search
  • to conceive, plan and carry out a scientific work
  • to present and defend interim results

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