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Department of Business and Economics

Dr. Sarah Köcher honored with Dissertation Award

Foto der Bühne mit den Teilnehmern:innen der akademischen Jahresfeier 2019 und der Verleihung des Dissertationspreises an Dr. rer. pol. Sarah Köcher von der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften für Ihre Dissertation "Reaching for the Stars: Consumers‘ Interpretations of Online Rating Distributions and Their Validity as an Indicator of Product Quality" © Martina Hengesbach​/​TU Dortmund

Dr. Sarah Köcher has received the Dissertation Award of the Faculty of Business and Economics for her thesis "Reaching for the Stars: Consumers' Interpretations of Online Rating Distributions and Their Validity as an Indicator of Product Quality" at the Annual Academic Celebration on December 16, 2019. We congratulate her for this special honor by the TU Dortmund University!

Link to Dissertation