News from Professorship
Former DAAD-Scholar visits the LfM
Prof. Sorush Sepehr, former PhD student and current Lecturer at the University of Technology Sydney, visits the Professorship of Marketing.
Research Visit by Prof. Moty Amar
As part of the Erasmus+ Staff Mobility, Prof. Moty Amar from Ono Academic College, Tel Aviv, Israel, visited the Professorship of Marketing.
Visiting researcher from Australia
Earlier this month, the marketing team welcomed Prof. Philip J. Rosenberger III, Ph.D., from the University of Newcastle, Australia.
New article published in Journal of Services Marketing
A netnographic study focusing on infertility in social media was published in the Journal of Services Marketing.
Visit from Israel
Last week, Prof. Itzhak Gnizy from ONO Acadmic College (Israel) visited the Professorship of Marketing.
Visit by Prof. Dr. Robert Ciuchita
Last week, the professorship was pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Robert Ciuchita from the Hanken School of Economics (Helsinki, Finland) as a guest.
Annual Report of the Professorship of Marketing
As every year, the professorship of marketing publishes a report on current activities around research and teaching.
Announcement: Guest lecture by Dr. Robert Ciuchita
Next week, the Professorship of Marketing is pleased to welcome Dr. Robert Ciuchita as a guest researcher and invites everyone to his lecture.
Doctoral workshop at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal
At the semiannual doctoral workshop, Linda Angenendt and Xenia Raufeisen presented their current research projects.
Appointment of a juniorprofessorship to the Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel
Dr. Sarah Köcher accepted the appointment to the W1-professorship at the University in Kiel.
„Is it really Not a Game” – Study on Gamification published in JSR
A study and short video on gamification was published in the Journal of Service Research (VHB-JOURQUAL: A).
Applications for master theses
Applications for master theses at the Professorship of Marketing are now open.