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Publikationen der Professur

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Referierte Zeitschriftenbeiträge

  • Köcher, Sö., Husemann-Kopetzky, M., Schirmbeck, M., Hess, M., Gmeindl, F., Hess, S. (2023): A Conceptual replication of the differential price framing effect in the field, in: Marketing Letters, online first.
  • Rahman, M. M., Rosenberger III, P. J., Yun, J. H., de Oliveira, M. J., Köcher, Sö. (2023): Keeping the ball rolling: using the S-O-R framework to investigate the determinants of football fan loyalty, in: Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, online first.
  • Ciuchita, R., Heller, J., Köcher, Sa., Köcher, Sö., Leclercq, T., Sidaoui, K., Stead S. (2023): It’s Really Not a Game: An Integrative Review of Gamification for Service Research, in: Journal of Service Research, 26(1), S. 3-20.


Referierte Zeitschriftenbeiträge

  • Alkire, L., Myrden, S., Köcher, Sö., O’Connor, G. E. (2022): Cultural Drivers of Health Engagement, in: Journal of
  • International Marketing, online first.
  • Böhm, E., Eggert, A., Garnefeld, I., Holzmüller, H. H., Schäfers, T., Steinhoff, L., Woisetschläger, D. M. (2022): Exploring the Customer Journey of Voice Commerce: A Research Agenda, in: Journal of Service Management Research, 6(4), S. 216-231.
  • Sepehr, S., Holzmüller, H. H., Rosenberger III, P. J. (2022): City, Consumption and Interculturalism: How Cities Can Facilitate Consumer Acculturation, in: Australasian Marketing Journal, online first.


Referierte Zeitschriftenbeiträge

  • O'Connor, G. E., Myrden, S., Alkire, L., Lee, K., Köcher, S., Kandampully, J., & Williams, J. D. (2021): Digital Health Experience: A Regulatory Focus Perspective, in: Journal of Interactive Marketing, 56, 121-136.
  • Garnefeld, I., Krah, T., Böhm, E., Gremler, D. D. (2021): Online reviews generated through product testing: Can more favorable reviews be enticed with free products?, in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49 (4), 703-722.
  • Alavi, S., Böhm, E., Habel, J., Wieseke, J., Schmitz, C., Brüggemann, F. (2021): The ambivalent role of monetary sales incentives in service innovation selling, in: Journal of Product Innovation Management, available online.
  • Salonen, A., Terho, H., Böhm, E., Virtanen, A., Rajala, R. (2021): „Engaging a Product-Focused Sales Force in Solution Selling: Interplay of Individual- and Organizational-Level Conditions”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49(1), 139-163.
  • Köcher, Sa., Köcher, Sö. (2021): „The Mode Heuristic in Service Consumers’ Interpretations of Online Rating Distributions", Journal of Service Research (Online first).
  • Köcher, Sö., Wilcox, K. (2021): „„I Made It Work”: How Using a Self-Assembled Product Increases Task Performance", Journal of Consumer Psychology (Online first).
  • Garnefeld, I., Krah, T., Böhm, E., & Gremler, D. D. (2021): „Online reviews generated through product testing: Can more favorable reviews be enticed with free products?", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, available online.


Referierte Zeitschriftenbeiträge

  • Alkire, L., O'Connor, G. E., Myrden, S., Köcher, Sö. (2020): „Patient experience in the digital age: An investigation into the effect of generational cohorts”, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57.
  • Autmaring, T., H., Holzmüller, H. H., Köhler, N., Kern, C., Refflinghaus, R. (2020): „Am Ort des Geschehens – Bedürfnisorientierte Produktentwicklung durch Beobachten der Kunden vor Ort“, QZ Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit, 11, 40-43.
  • Böhm, E., Eggert, A., Terho, H., Ulaga, W., Haas, A. (2020): „Drivers and Outcomes of Salespersons’ Value Opportunity Recognition Competence in Solution Selling”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 40(3), 180-197.
  • Schäfers, T., Ruffer, S., Böhm, E. (2020): „Outcome-Based Contracting from the Customers’ Perspective: A Means-End Chain Analytical Exploration”, Industrial Marketing Management, im Druck.
  • Buchbeiträge/ Beiträge zu Sammelwerken
  • Owen, C., Manning L., Malik, A., Rosenberger III, P., Cunneen, D., Holzmüller, H. H. (2020): „Cyferlinx for coders: Hiring and performance assessment using an artificial intelligence tool”. In J. Crawshaw, P. Budhwar & A. Davis (Hrsg.), (2020), Human resource management: Strategic and international perspectives, (3. Aufl.), SAGE Publications Limited, 106-109.


Referierte Zeitschriftenbeiträge

  • De Keyser, A., Köcher, Sa., Alkire (née Nasr), L., Verbeeck, C., Kandampully, J. (2019): „Frontline Service Technology Infusion: Conceptual Archetypes and Future Research Directions”, Journal of Service Management, 30(1), 156-183.
  • Franuszkiewicz, J., Frye, S., Terkowsky, C., Heix, S. (2019): „Flexibles und selbstorganisiertes Lernen im Labor – Remote-Labore in der Hochschullehre“, Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 14(3), 273-285.
  • Köcher, Sö., Holzmüller, H.H. (2019): „Context‐induced placebo effects – An investigation of contrast effects in response expectations and actual product efficacy”, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 18(3), 179-189.
  • Köcher, Sö., Jugovac, M., Jannach, D., Holzmüller, H.H. (2019): „New Hidden Persuaders: An Investigation of Attribute-Level Anchoring Effects of Product Recommendations”, Journal of Retailing, 95(1), 24-41.
  • Köcher, Sö., Paluch, S. (2019): „’My bad’: investigating service failure effects in self-service and full-service settings”, Journal of Services Marketing, 33(2), 181-191.
  • Raufeisen, X., Wulf, L., Köcher, Sö., Faupel, U., Holzmüller, H. H. (2019): „Spillover effects in marketing: integrating core research domains”, American Marketing Society (AMS) Review, 9(3-4), 249-267.
  • Rosenthal-von der Pütten, A.M., Hastall, M.R., Köcher, Sö., Meske, C., Heinrich, T., Labrenz, F., Ocklenburg, S. (2019): „’Likes’ as social rewards: Their role in online social comparison and decisions to like other People's selfies”, Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 76-86.

Bücher/ Herausgeberschaften

  • Haertel, T., Terkowsky, C., Dany, S., Heix, S. (Hrsg.): „Hochschullehre & Industrie 4.0 – Herausforderungen, Lösungen, Perspektiven“, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld, 2019.


Referierte Zeitschriftenbeiträge

  • Köcher, Sa., Köcher, Sö. (2018): „Should We Reach for the Stars? Examining the Convergence between Online Product Ratings and Objective Product Quality and Their Impacts on Sales Performance”, Journal of Marketing Behavior, 3(2), 167-18 3.
  • Schaefers, T., Moser, R., Narayanamurthy, G. (2018): „Access-Based Services for the Base of the Pyramid”, Journal of Service Research, 21(4), 421-437.